What Is Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware?
Ideas are what you think about.
Thoughtware is what you use to think with.
Like fish swim unawares in water, human beings swim unawares in a sea of thoughtware provided by our birth culture, birth religion, birth politics, birth schooling, birth corporate branding, and birth family.
This does not automatically make modern culture thoughtware 'bad'. It just makes it invisible.
If your Thoughtware is invisible to you, then you do not get a Choice about using it or not, making you the equivalent of a robot... or a Zombie...
The Thoughtware that you unconsciously inherit and use from your culture and times is 'Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware'.
If you use S.H.I.T. Thoughtware, you activate S.H.I.T. human intelligence for yourself.
This website is dedicated to identifying core thoughtware from the modern capitalist patriarchal empire in order to give you a clear choice about whether or not you want to keep using that Thoughtware to navigate your life.
We are implying that there is a vast supply of upgraded Thoughtware that you could Choose from to replace your S.H.I.T. Thoughtware.
This is such a startling claim that we want to say it outright:
No one can upgrade your Thoughtware for you.
More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your own Thoughtware to whatever Thoughtware you want you use.
As we have been saying since 1975, "Your mind is yours to play with and make into whatever you want."
The variety and quality of available Thoughtware to Choose from is immense, probably endless.
Yet, as the shark-fin salesmen have said since ancient times: "Let the buyer beware!"
Here are some of the Thoughtware 'brands' you will discover as soon as you understand the distinction of 'Thoughtware' and start looking around:
- Industrial Military Complex Thoughtware (weapons, tactics, strategies both local and global).
- Global Political / Spy / Terrorist Thoughtware (international power struggles, political takeover, international bankers).
- Cult / Sect / Religious Thoughtware (Catholic, Protestant, Buddhist, Muslim, Zoroastrian, Voodoo, Jewish, Hindi, Wicca, Druidic, Agnostic, Gaia, etc.).
- Modern AMA Allopathic Medicine Thoughtware.
- Alternative Medicine / Healing Thoughtware (Traditional Chinese Medicine, Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Herbs, Energy Work, 5 Bodies, etc.).
- Programmer / Digital Nomad Thoughtware.
- Higher Education Thoughtware (which universities to attend so as to gain entry to the shadow government).
- New Age Spiritual Thoughtware (the path for becoming enlightened).
- Modern Fashion Thoughtware (clothing brands, materials, and accessories).
- Techy Thoughtware (what technology to own and how to use it, online platforms, entertainment hardware).
- Spam Thoughtware (how to rip people off, fool the idiots, take their money and launder it).
- Gambling Thoughtware (Trading, BitCoin, Digital Currencies, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT), Blockchain, Multi Level Marketing, Lottery).
- Indigenous / Shaman / Wisdom of the Ancestors Thoughtware.
- Transformation / Authentic Adulthood Initiations Thoughtware.
- Local-Authority / Nanonation / Regenerative / Ecovillage / Intentional Community / Next-Culture Archearchy Thoughtware.
- Resistance / Climate Activist Thoughtware (Extinction Rebellion, Fridays For Future, Zero Hour, Deep Green Resistance, etc.).
- Edgeworker Thoughtware (Guardians, Riftwalkers, Gameworld Builders, Evolutionaries, Village Weavers, Trainers, 3 Phase Healers, Seeds, etc.)
- And so on...
Every 'brand' or category of thoughtware has its particular purpose or application. For example, if it is not your profession to lay down molecule-thick layers of doped semiconductor materials on silicon wavers to make gigabyte memory chips and central processing units, you probably will never be attracted to integrating that Thoughtware's distinctions into your Being.
On the other hand, who decides which Thoughtware you should use?
Consider that the deciding factor for most people's choice of Thoughtware is the Thoughtware of their parents.
Adopting your parents' Thoughtware probably means you still live in most of the 8 Prisons and are not yet initiated to standing in the world on your own adult feet.
The world awaits you. So does your Destiny, your Archetypal Lineage, your Gameworld, and your Intimacy Journeyer friends.
What are you prepared to do about it?
The Memetic field of your birthculture is like mother's milk. It is intended to feed you until you can feed yourself.
The shift from 'being fed' to 'feeding yourself' is perhaps the most crucial transformation of your life. It cannot happen well by accident. Yet the modern capitalistic patriarchal empire has eliminated and forbidden Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes for millennia. In short, you are a lost puppy.
If you dare to venture to the edge of the Thoughtware field of your birthculture through bold curiosity alone (or if you are somehow forced to the edge through some kind of sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, psychological abuse, some forms of dyslexia, living with insanely neurotic parents, natural disaster, famine, war, refugee camp, etc.), then you discover - thankfully - that modern culture Thoughtware is not all there is. You discover that there is an edge to modern culture Thoughtware, and that: Something completely different from this might be possible right now.
If you stay at that edge, or visit it frequently (transcending the use of drugs, alcohol, ayahuasca, marijuana, micro-dosing Ecstasy, extreme sports, addictive habits, horror films, speeding, stealing, lying, cheating, breaking the law, etc. in order to get to the edge) it does not take long before the horizon happens to be clear one day and you spot another continent in the not too distant future. That discovery is astounding. Probably it has happened to you already, and that is why you are still reading these words and getting ready to Experiment!
The thing we recommend studying first is: the Liquid State.
The reason we recommend learning about Liquid States is that, between the condition of using one set of Thoughtware and the condition of using an upgraded set of Thoughtware, there are Gaps.
Imagine a computer while it is upgrading its software. The primary instruction you receive is: DO NOT TURN OFF YOUR COMPUTER UNTIL THIS UPGRADE PROCESS IS COMPLETED.
The beginning of a Thoughtware upgrade process deactivates your current Thoughtware. In that moment, there is no Thoughtware running. This is not a problem if you simply wait a bit. Then the new Thoughtware installs, and things reboot. Yes the world both inside and outside of yourself works differently now, however, you were born an Expansive Learner. Exploring the expanded territories opening up through upgraded Thoughtware is the best entertainment on Earth!
Taking action during the Liquid State is like trying to drive a car while the wheels are being replaced and the engine is dismantled for improvements.
Once you understand that Thoughtware upgrading requires a certain amount of 'down time' (3 minutes, up to maybe 3 days), you discover that the recommended books and films at the Go Explore website are a tremendous resource. With the new Thoughtware installed, the rest of your 5 Bodies re-order all by themselves. After that you will have plenty of time to find out how far away the walls have moved.
Teams can be Contexted to fit various Purposes:
- Some teams are created to play competitive 'I win, you lose' games against other teams in order to 'kill the guy with the ball'.
- Some teams are created to sit in a circle and pass the time sharing ordinary conversation and knitting warm socks.
- Some teams are created to command other teams to dig out materials from the Earth, burn them before anyone else, spew the toxic byproducts wherever no one will catch you, and sell manufactured items to customers for whatever the market will bear in order to make a 'profit' to temporarily increase shareholder value.
- Some Teams are created to meet in a Torus to liberate both linear and Nonlinear group intelligence to support each other through Healing and Transformational Processes that upgrade each other's Thoughtware for creating next cultures - archearchy - the human cultures that naturally emerge after matriarchy and patriarchy have run their course.
If you intend to continue reading this website and eventually undertake any of the Experiments, we STRONGLY urge you to proceed as a Team which is of the last variety described above: An Evolutionary Team.
A Team with an Evolutionary Purpose can function in a wide variety of styles, such as: Study Group, S.P.A.R.K. Experiment Circle, Research Team, Possibility Team, Practice Team, Whole Permaculture Team, Rage Club, Fear Club, 3 Cell, Safe Circle, Riftwalker Team, Edgeworker Team, Growness Team, Trainer Path Team, Whole Permaculture Team, New Refugees Circle, Village Seeds Circle, Earth Guardians Circle, Village Weavers Circle, Evolutionaries Circle, Gameworld Builders Circle, Possibility Coaches Circle, Possibility Mediators Circle, Possibility Psychologists Circle, Memetic Engineers Circle, Mage Training Circle, etc.
Once you come together online-or-offline as a common-purpose common-context Team, you become an energetic / emotional net in which each person has chances to come rather completely apart, is guided through their Liquid States and Emotional Healing Processes, and comes back together flying in spaces that become accessible through their upgraded Thoughtware.
NOTE: Three people are enough to begin a Team.
HINT: Many people's experience shows that it is FAR better to start with 3 enthusiastic people who have an agreed-upon purpose and an agreed-upon context than it would be to start with 20 enthusiastic people of mixed purposes and mixed contexts. Be clear and forthcoming about your purpose and context before you start. In other words, tell people clearly the purpose and context of what you are doing. For example, there are 5 different kinds of Team you can formulate. Which level of Responsibility do you ALL choose? (Because otherwise, if you do not all choose the same level, your Team will sink to the lowest level of Responsibility of any of your members!):
- No Responsibility - avoiding responsibility at all cost.
- Child Responsibility - making messes that others must pay for and clean up.
- Adult Responsibility - everyone convers their fair share of costs and clean up.
- High Level Responsibility - a little less fair, perhaps you pick up the litter that someone else drops because you are get energy from doing it.
- Radical Responsibility - everything is your Responsibility as you Choose, Declare, Ask, you Create Possibility. You are at cause. It is your Gameworld.
Make sure all members of your Team are committed to the same thing before beginning. Nothing is worse than spending Team-time with unconscious Gremlins battling over what is the 'real' purpose of the Team. On the other hand, nothing is better than meeting to deepen the Context and Purpose of your Team.
Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware
Here are some samples of Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware
The problem with Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware is that it produces mediocre Humans.
Which of these memes do you live by, even unconsciously?
A belief has value.
I must fight for my country.
I can win.
I can lose.
It does not matter if others lose. Them losing is not my problem.
I am not good enough.
I am the best.
I need to work on my relationship.
It is possible to own a piece of land.
It is possible to own mineral rights, water rights, fishing rights...
It is possible for a corporation to be a person.
It is possible for a corporation to be responsible.
Money has value.
I need to have money to live.
Time is money.
I have rights.
I have a self.
There is such a thing as human rights.
I should try to find happiness.
If I am happy my life will be good.
It is possible to make a profit.
Women belong to men.
School provides education.
Everyone can have a car, a refrigerator, and a TV.
Children should do what they are told by adults.
Technology will save us... (from climate change, from toxic waste, from overpopulation, from the government).
It is possible for technology to be 'green'.
I need a college degree to be successful.
Understanding is the highest goal.
Civilization is the best thing human beings have ever invented.
My religion is the one that is true and right.
My political party is the one that is true and right.
My country is the one that is true and right.
My culture is the one that is true and right.
It is possible to throw things away.
I am a body with a mind.
Security is possible.
My government takes my best interests to heart.
If I am good, then when I die I will go to heaven.
If I am bad (or if someone catches me being bad), then when I die I will go to hell.
Fords are better than Chevrolets. (BMWs are better than Mercedes Benz.)
Other people should fulfill my expectations.
Circumstances have power over my life.
Anger, fear, and sadness are negative feelings.
One person cannot make a difference.
I should let the experts make decisions for me.
Love is a feeling.
It is okay to secretly hate myself and beat myself up.
If I can suppress my negative feelings then I will be happy.
I am given authority from other authorities.
Trust is a feeling.
People must be controlled by Police.
Men are strong. Women are sensitive.
Revenge balances things out.
Resentment is normal.
Men are the providers. Women are the nurturers.
If I find my one true love, I will love them forever and they will love me forever, and we will live happily ever after.
The children should take care of the parents.
Men are more important than women.
White people are more privileged than people of color.
Sometimes I have to lie.
Stories can be true.
Whoever dies with the most toys wins.
S.H.I.T. Experiments
One thing that is amazing about upgraded Thoughtware is that it does not have to be the opposite of existing Thoughtware.
New Thoughtware does not have to contradict or countermand existing Thoughtware.
In fact, there is new Thoughtware about things we never thought we could have Thoughtware about in the first place.
We do not already know about the Thoughtware that we do not know about.
There can be new Thoughtware about things that nobody ever thought about before.
3x the Thoughtware
Matrix Code S-H-I-TH.01
Three times a day for the next week, use self-observation to pause after saying something about what is so, or about what you need. Instead of saying one thing, say three things.
For example, after saying "I am late," you can say:
"I am early for the appointment after this one."
"I am splitting my attention to create a space that meets you before I get here."
"I have given up time. Instead, I meet people according to context. We are already together in context."
When you catch yourself using Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware, add three alternative pieces of thoughtware.
At the end of the week, enter Matrix Code S-H-I-TH.01 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Noticing the Thoughtware of Others
Matrix Code S-H-I-TH.02
This experiment is done in a meeting with your Possibility Team or 3 Cell.
First, ask your teammates to do a noticing experiment together. For the first hour, you will split your attention between having the meeting and noticing the thoughtware that every teammate is using to communicate. Continue having the meeting while you each write down what you notice in your Beep! Books so you can refer to it after.
Once an hour of noticing (and meeting) has passed, share what you noticed with your Team. Include the assumptions and the stories behind the specific thoughtware they are using.
Receive feedback from your teammates without interrupting, giving reasons or disagreeing. Write it down in your Beep! Book so you can check it out later.
Enter Matrix Code S-H-I-TH.02 in your free account at StartOver.xyz once you have completed this experiment.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Thoughtware in Your Home
Matrix Code S-H-I-TH.03
Walk around your home, splitting your attention between seeing the way you have arranged things and the thoughtware behind it. For example,
"The plates have to be easily accessible."
"The head of the bed has to be against the wall."
"The vacuum cleaner lives in the hallway closet."
Spend an hour rearranging your home, without asking permission from anybody else, contrary to the thoughtware that you noticed before.
- Put the plates in the corner where you have to do a few twisting backbends to get them so you can do some yoga while you get your plate.
- Put the head of the bed near the door so you can see outside the window when you wake up in the morning.
- Put the vacuum cleaner in the middle of the living room so you can access it anytime.
- ...
After challenging the thoughtware in your home, enter Matrix Code
S-H-I-TH.03 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Thoughtware for Lunch (and Dinner)
Matrix Code S-H-I-TH.04
Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware creeps into everything. Today, examine the thoughtware that applies to your meals, to your lunch and dinner: the forks go to the left, the napkin goes under the edge of the plate, the glass goes up to the right....
Instead, make a meat and cheese salad, and main course is lettuce soup with radish. Invite people over and say something like, "We are going to have a rainbow thoughware meal, cooked on a fire, with oranges baked in the oven, eating on the floor, and eat from each others plates."
Find the thoughtware that's happening that controls your environment and play around with it.
Have High Level Fun.
Enter Matrix Code S-H-I-TH.04 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Thoughtware and Value
Matrix Code S-H-I-TH.05
In your Beep! Book, write down ten values you have.
Then, for each value, ask yourself what the thoughtware is that goes with each value. Consider: would have the values if you didn't have the thoughtware attached? Write about that for each value.
For instance if you value dressing neatly or in colour coordinated ways, notice if you have thoughtware that says something like, "Light things should go together," or "There is harmony between browns and greens but not between greens and other colours."
Can you have the value without having the thoughtware attached?
When you have examined your ten values and noticed the thoughtware behind them, enter Matrix Code S-H-I-TH.05 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Jump the River
Matrix Code S-H-I-TH.06
In your Beep! Book, write down ten pieces of thoughtware that you use during the day, like "I should be quiet so I don't disturb the neighbours," "I should pay my bills," etc.
For each one, figure out where the thoughtware came from. Your mother? A teacher?
Go to the source of it, and say, "I notice you said this, behave like this, or think like this. Is this true? Where did it come from?"
This will trace it back and back along the river.
Decide if you will use a different piece of thoughtware.
Tell people the source people that you are deciding to use different thoughware. See if they have reactivity about it. Write it down in your Beep! Book.
Make a religion out of it.
When you have traced back the ten pieces of thoughtware and made a religion out of using different pieces, enter Matrix Code S-H-I-TH.06 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Return According to Different Thoughtware
Matrix Code S-H-I-TH.07
The next three times you are going somewhere, like the supermarket, your friend's house, notice the thoughtware behind how you decide how to go, why, when, and which way to get there.
The quickest way. The way where I walk in the sun the most. The organic store. The scenic route. The way that avoids people. Before the traffic gets heavy.
Notice and pause to write things down in your Beep! Book, as you go.
Then for the next three times you go somewhere, use orthogonal, non-opposite thoughtware to decide how you will go. Go by a route that comes from different thoughtware.
Not the slowest way, but the way that gives you the best workout. Not the sunny way, but the way that smells nicest, etcetera.
As an experimenter, see what it does to you, and write about that in your Beep! Book also.
Then enter Matrix Code S-H-I-TH.07 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Dissecting Thoughtware
Matrix Code S-H-I-TH.08
Write down, "This is my birthday:" and the date of your birthday.
Break down each piece that formulates this piece of of thoughtware: What does "this" mean? "Is?" What about the thoughtware of "my?" What is "birth?" What is a "day?"
Create a new phrase to replace how you talk about the day you were born.
"The planetary-formulated biological life emergence incident of this embodiment is:"
Do this with ten more statements about yourself, or about your life and the world.
Start using the phrases you come up with.
Enter Matrix Code S-H-I-TH.08 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
New Thoughtware Nursery Rhyme
Matrix Code S-H-I-TH.09
Identify three nursery rhymes that you still have memorized from your childhood.
Rewrite them using different thoughtware.
For example
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream,
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
life is bit a dream
Propel, propel, propel your craft
Placidly over the liquid solution,
Ecstatically, ecstatically, ecstatically, ecstatically,
Existence is merely an illusion.
Recite them out loud. Use your Real Voice, then enter Matrix Code S-H-I-TH.09 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
SHIT Traditions
Matrix Code S-H-I-TH.10
Check the thoughtware of traditions.
Take the traditions of your upbringing, for example Easter, Christmas....
Notice the thoughtware behind each of the actions of the traditions: for example, what goes on the table, what do the kids do, what do the adults do. What are the secret rules of gift-giving at Christmas?
Where does this toughtware come from?
Create an entirely new family gathering (what ever family means,) where each of the thoughtware pieces are challenged.
In stead of Christ (cross) mas (heavy) you could create CircleLight, which happens whenever you want, where giving gifts is based on new conscious thoughtware that you decide.
Do it fanatically!
Write about it and share the writing with at least three people.
Then enter Matrix Code S-H-I-TH.10 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Famous Last Words
Matrix Code S-H-I-TH.11
Write down the famous last words that you would like to be known for saying, that include some new pice of thoughtware that when you die that they will write on your gravestone. Invent them now so they are ready. They cannot be anyone else's words. Have them on the tip of your tongue. Compose them with thoughtware.
Enter Matrix Code S-H-I-TH.11 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Create a Character Using Thoughtware
Matrix Code S-H-I-TH.12
Create an alternative character from yourself, very different from you. If you are lower class, pick someone who is a millionaire. Give them a name, and figure out their thoughtware. Then for the same hour every day for two weeks, become that person. Shift your identity into this character for one hour, and use their thoughtware, not your own, to live your life.
For example, when someone phones you during this hour, you shift and answer the phone as that character using their thotughware.
At least once every two days, write in your Beep! Book about how this goes.
After the two weeks are up, enter Matrix Code S-H-I-TH.12 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Thoughtware for Dressing
Matrix Code S-H-I-TH.13
This experiment is about noticing the thoughtware behind what you wear.
Design and create an outfit that is not made or chosen according to Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware. For example, it might be made of leaves of bark, or of other compostable materials. It might break many other the right/wrong rules of fashion.
Wear it for at least one day.
Enter Matrix Code S-H-I-TH.13 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Beyond SHIT Communication
Matrix Code S-H-I-TH.14
It is Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware to think that when we stop talking with someone, the conversation ends, unless we text or write to them or talk to them some more.
Choose a person and decide to not end a conversation when you stop talking to them.
Keep the conversation alive even though you are not talking, texting or otherwise obviously communicating with them.
Use new thoughtware that says the conversation continues, and is real, even without talking or writing to them.
After a few days, check in with the person and see how they are with the conversation.
Write in your Beep! Book about the limitations that your thoughtware about communicating is putting on your capabilities and possibilities to communicate.
Enter Matrix Code S-H-I-TH.14 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Point.
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play, massively-multiplayer, online-and-offline, thoughtware-upgrade, matrix-building, personal-transformation, adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code S-H-I-TH.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!